Land Navigation From Start to Finish (Paperback)

Land Navigation From Start to Finish By Chris Imperial Cover Image
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This book is formatted to replicate, as much as possible, how the author would teach these topics in person, one on one, or in a classroom environment. The information is purposely designed to be quick to find, simple to understand, and easy to teach to others. Each chapter is designed to help the user better understand necessary land navigation skills and assist the practitioner, if needed, explain the skills to others. The book is broken down into ten chapters covering basic fundamentals such as how to use the compass and finding information on the map up to advanced techniques, with short quizzes at the end of each chapter as a check on learning. The book is purposely condensed so the reader can painlessly work his way through the entire book without feeling overwhelmed by the material. It is the author's heartfelt desire that the information contained within this book will serve the reader well, and especially during those unfortunate times when technology fails, and like it or not, the user is forced to rely on the basics: Technology is best when it serves the user rather than the user being wholly dependent upon technology.

Product Details
ISBN: 9781732968189
ISBN-10: 1732968187
Publisher: Blacksmith Publishing
Publication Date: August 1st, 2021
Pages: 130
Language: English