Silence Equals Consent - the sin of omission: Speak Now or Forever Lose Your Freedom (Paperback)

Silence Equals Consent - the sin of omission: Speak Now or Forever Lose Your Freedom By William J. Federer Cover Image
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WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? How have godly people been persuaded to let ungodliness reign? President Eisenhower, 1954: "This relationship between a spiritual faith ... and our form of government is ... obvious ... 'Man is endowed by his Creator' ... born in the image of God." How were America's founders inspired by ancient Israel's "covenant" government? How did this influence the Puritans who founded New England's colonial governments? How did this result in the U.S. Constitution? Did you know "federal" is Latin for "covenant"? How is Romans 13 understood differently in a self-governing republic than in a monarchy? Hint: in monarchies, subjects submit to the king; in republics, the citizens ARE the king. Who came up with the idea that politics were worldly and "holy" people should withdraw? If the "holy" withdraw, who is left in charge? How did the "two kingdom" concept of the church withdrawing allow Hitler in Germany to kill Jews? What was the Old Light-New Light controversy between the Puritans and Pietists, and how is it still impacting America's churches today? Who began calling Christian patriots "Christian nationalists"? Do globalists hate nationalists? George Soros: "The main obstacle to a stable and just world is the United States." Klaus Schwab: "Acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state." World Economic Forum, Agenda 2030 video: "You will own nothing and be happy." Are you aware that just as your silence gives consent to wedding vows, it gives consent to other things? It is called "the rule of tacit admission." If you know of evils in your community and are silent, are you an accessory to them? Is it scriptural to not care about what kind of country we are leaving to our posterity? Proverbs 13:22 states "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children." And even if we can't turn the culture around, shouldn't we at least try? Are we being given one last chance to show what we really believe in our hearts through our words and actions? Billy Graham: "There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them." Ben Franklin: "Work as if you were to live 100 years; pray as if you were to die tomorrow." The fate of the world hangs in the balance. Now YOU are key to turning things around. THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON YOU

Product Details
ISBN: 9781736959077
ISBN-10: 1736959077
Publisher: Amerisearch, Inc.
Publication Date: April 24th, 2024
Pages: 298
Language: English