
Sandman Books was directly in the path of Hurricane Ian, and we were hit by not one but TWO more storms in the weeks following Ian. Read all about it here: Part 1 | Part 2

Easy ways to support your friendly neighborhood bookshop:

  • Donate directly using the 'add to cart' button on this page
  • Buy a Gift Card (for use after we re-open) 
  • Order from our webstore (which is operating as normal - totally unaffected by the storm) 
  • 5 star google reviews - if you haven't already, please review the store! Current 5-star reviews help the algorithm confirm we are real, and that we have real customers. The biggest hit we took in 2020 was from the drop in "visitors" which confused the robot overlords and led them to think we had disappeared. If you have ever thought about leaving us a 5 star review, now is the optimal time! 
  • Social media engagement is really helpful! Especially right now, when we live or die by whether or not everyone is aware they can still shop here (on the website). 

Thanks for your support!
